Hard Money


A hard money loan is a specific type of asset-based loan financing through which a borrower receives funds secured by the value of a parcel of real estate.

Non-conforming asset based loan
Rates start at 9.99%
Term 12 – 36 months (Usually with 6 – month Interest Guarantee)
History of low credit, short sales or foreclosures, foreclosure bailouts, etc.
Max LTV 60%

Property types include: Mixed-Use, Multi-Family, Office, Retail, Warehouse, Lt. Industrial, Self-Storage, Automotive, Restaurant/Bar, and more.


Needed For Submission

1. Executive Summary
2. A Complete 1003 and Personal Financial Statement for all Borrowers
3. Current Trimerge Credit Report (within 30 days)
4. Color Pictures of Subject Property
5. Rent Roll
6. Operating Statement (investment properties only)
7. 2 Years Tax Returns Personal and Business (if applicable)

Don't hesitate to contact us!

Simply put...Commercial Loan Center is "the source" for all your financing needs!

Call (610) 990-6050 to get started or Email us at info@clcllc.net

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