Traditional Financing

Full Doc Traditional Financing $500,000 – $7,000,000

5yr, 10yr and Fixed Programs
Amortization Period 25 or 30 years
75% Max LTV
660+ Mid Fico Owner Occupied and 680+ Investment
Cash Out

Our Traditional Full Documentation Program is designed for borrowers that can provide at least 2 years of stabilized financials.

Loan amounts range from $500,000 – $7,000,000. Our Max LTV is 75% for these products and properties must Debt Service at 1.25x or greater based on property use.

Property types include: Mixed-Use, Multi-Family, Office, Retail, Warehouse, Lt. Industrial, Self-Storage, Automotive, Restaurant/Bar, and more.


Needed For Submission

1. Submission Form
2. A Complete 1003
3. Current Trimerge Credit Report (within 30 days)
4. Color Pictures of Subject Property
5. Rent Roll
6. Operating Statement (Last 2 Years and Year to Date)
7. 3 years Tax Returns Personal and Business (if applicable)

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